Point Delivery

Delivery company looking for new branding.


1. Introduction:

Point Delivery, a local delivery company with a stellar track record of on-time deliveries and exceptional customer service, is embarking on a brand redesign journey. The company is seeking a new logo to elevate its brand presence on a national scale and facilitate potential partnerships with major retail establishments. The goal is to create a sharp, recognisable, and corporate-friendly logo that reflects professionalism and reliability.

2. Project Objectives:

  • Develop a new logo to signify a fresh brand identity for Point Delivery.
  • Enhance brand recognition on a national level.
  • Cater to the corporate environment for potential contracts with major retail shops.
  • Ensure the logo is suitable for application on delivery vans and lorries.

3. Design Requirements:

  • Sharp and Recognizable: The logo should have a distinct and memorable design that stands out.
  • National Appeal: Consider a design that resonates with a broad national audience.
  • Corporate-Friendly: Project a professional and business-friendly image to attract corporate clients.
  • Versatility: Ensure the logo remains effective and legible when applied to delivery vans and lorries.

4. Colour and Style Preferences:

  • Open to New Colors: While the previous logo was blue (#448afc), the company is open to exploring new colour options that convey reliability and trust.
  • Professional Design: Emphasize a clean and professional design that aligns with the corporate nature of the business.

5. Previous Logo Details:

  • Color: Blue (#448afc).
  • Font: Oswald.

6. Tips:

  • Professional Design: Prioritize a design that exudes professionalism and reliability.
  • Consider Application: Keep in mind that the logo will be applied to delivery vans and lorries, requiring a design that is legible and impactful at a larger scale.


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